The purpose of the SCM is to foster a safer environment for everyone living in and attending school in our neighborhood. Through collaborative discussions on campus safety initiatives, neighborhood benefits, and engagement opportunities, we aim to create a united effort toward ensuring the well-being of our community.

Meetings are held every 4th Thursday of the month during the school year via Zoom Meeting from 10:30 am - 11:00 am. 

Members of the community are welcome to attend. 

Email for a meeting link.

Agenda topics include:

  • Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)

  • Review of Previous Issues (5 minutes)

  • School Updates to the Community (5 minutes)

  • Safety Concerns discussion (5 minutes)

  • Continue School Updates to the community (5 minutes)

  • Q & A Session (5 minutes)

  • Wrap Up (2 minutes)